
Reasons to be selected

When establishing or migrating fan clubs and fan communities,Fanicon has been chosen by many people.


Interact with just one smartphone

Benefit point
# Easy to use
# Easy to distribute
# Close sense of distance with fans
With a feeling similar to LINE and X, myself tooThe fan is also easy to use
It's easy to use, so with fansThe distance of is getting much closer
Like a storyFeel free to live stream
Like friends, like familyCreate connections

Messages from icons

Yui Yokoyama
“I'm really bad at SNS,” but it's so nice that Fanicon can write how I felt at that time. I think one of the reasons why I feel so easy to speak up is that I can ask light questions and how I feel at that time.
Fanicon has features similar to the web services I've used so far, so I chose Fanicon because it seems to be easy and easy to use.
It looks like fans are playing with each other in the game. I'm also very happy that the fans are getting along well with each other.
Erina Kamiya

Chasing dreams together

Benefit point
# Co-creating with fans
# Full range of exchange functions
# Helpful support
Both fans chase their dreamsYou can share the process
Whether it's yourself or between fansThere are plenty of functions that allow you to interact
The future comes from the voices of fanswidens
The environment that supports artistsIt's in place

Messages from icons

Kaito Hori
When I'm too busy on stage to get my hands on Fanicon, I'm thankful that the person in charge of Fanicon suggests plans. I feel like “they're trying to liven up this fan community.”
SNS for artists tends to be an advertising tool, but in the case of Fanicon, you can go one step further, listen to various things, and talk privately about things you wouldn't normally talk about.
The unique broadcasts, such as radio-like talks and videos showing hands during performances, were triggered by voices from fans on Fanicon.
Takeshi Arai

A home where fans welcome you

Benefit point
# Good atmosphere
# Bonds are easy to deepen
# You can freely feel the distance
They always welcome you warmlyA place like home
With limited events and eventsYou can deepen bonds with fans
With selectable functions, with fansMake the sense of distance your own
At the nearest place nowFanicon is a place where you can be

Messages from icons

Yuria Kizaki
I'm worried about how it looks on SNS, but Fanicon is a place where you can post more easily.
It's really like a family, and even though I think they're a little too spoiled, I feel like I'm at my parents' house in front of the fans (laughs)
I think relationships between artists and fans often leave a certain distance, but I don't like it. There are many fans who watch over me like my own son, so we interact with each other at a distance like family.
Takuya Nakazawa
More Benefit

Fanicon expands its range of activities

Fanicon connects with fans around the world

Fans of music and performances are all over the world, far away. It's important to connect online because it's hard to meet people. Fanicon is automatically translated into languages around the world, eliminating language barriers and deepening exchanges in real time. With this feature, you can connect with diverse fans across geographical restrictions and gain global support.

Leave offline communication to us

In addition to online interaction, offline events are an important factor.BLACKBOX³,Peaks StudioSince we operate 2 studios, offline events can also be carried out smoothly, including staff support. It is unique to Fanicon that it is possible to create such a virtuous cycle of being on and being close, off and being intimate, and being on even more fun when off.

Let's get started!

If you want to deepen interaction with fans and want to make running a fan club easier than it is now, then Fanicon is useful.