
Talent agency management in an age where “likes” are more important than “awareness”

Takahiro Uemura

Talent agency management in an age where “likes” are more important than “awareness”
Takahiro Uemura

Have you heard the term “virtual talent”? If it's VTuber, it might be a little easier to get an image.
This time, I had an interview with President Uemura of Mikai Co., Ltd., which operates a virtual talent office.

――First, could you tell me a little more about the office business called “Re:aCT” operated by Mikai Co., Ltd.

In a nutshell, it's a music virtual talent agency.

I think the number of people who have heard about the existence of VTubers and virtual talents is increasing, and among them, we are developing talent management centered around content such as “original songs” and “I tried singing.” In addition to live streaming on platforms such as YouTube, they are also actively performing VR live shows and real live shows.

Currently, 15 talents belong (2 new members joined on 4/30 after the interview), and Fanicon is being used as a fan club for affiliated talents.

――Is there a difference in the business model between a virtual talent agency and a general entertainment agency?

Entertainment-related business models also span a wide range of entertainers, artists, etc., so it cannot be said unequivocally, but when compared to “TV entertainers,” it can be said that the source of revenue is the most different.

Specifically, TV celebrities are thought to have a large amount of revenue from advertising and gallery revenue generated by appearing on TV commercials and programs. Meanwhile, we are centered on revenue from ToC, such as goods purchased by fans.

――When assuming such a business model, what is the most important thing in terms of business operations?

“Getting people to like you” is more important than “being recognized.”

If you compare the differences between the two in an easy-to-understand manner, even if a well-known commercial celebrity introduces a product on their own SNS, there are cases where there isn't that much response. However, I think it's often said recently that products introduced by influencers that only a few people know sell really well. I think that factor is the difference between being “recognized” and “getting people to like you.”

It is said to be an age where the mass market is no longer being captured, but we want to create “fans” that people will definitely like, and we are designing each action with an awareness of creating deeper relationships where viewers become fans through live streaming and events.

――How do you measure the number of fans?

Among fans, I often say things like “number of real fans,” but that is not the number of followers on SNS, but rather the number of people who went to live shows, the number of people who bought goods, and the number of people who joined Fanicon as a fan club.

――Do you have a management policy to increase the number of fans of your talents?

I think our management policy is close to “support type.”

This is because whether or not fans are attached to the live stream still largely depends on the person's “talent” and “personality.” We can think about the content of the broadcast together, but it's quite difficult to change “talent” and even “personality.” Therefore, the basics of activities centered around distribution activities are often left to the thoughts of the talents themselves.

When talents find “what they want to do next” and “dreams they want to realize,” I think our role is to work together to create a blueprint to reach that. For example, if you want to do a big event, you have to attract more customers, so they help with planning advertising methods and live shows, and if you want to invest in making songs, etc., you have to earn money for that, so I suggest monetization methods. Of course, there are times when we set goals together before that.
I think the closest expression is to accompany you.

――By the way, are you entrusting the management of Fanicon to individuals?

Dissemination of content within Fanicon (posting scenes, distribution, participation in Grucha) is left to talents.

We support it in terms of implementing measures to maximize the number of enrolments and devising goods that fans will be happy with.

――By the way, is “Fanicon” useful??

Since it's a closed space, it's suitable for building deep relationships, and I think it's also possible to continue that.
So we are using it positively!

――By the way, when I started using Fanicon, I thought, “It wasn't what I expected!” was there such a thing?

At first, I was thinking of an ideal community where content is born from communication between fans and self-propelled communities, such as those held at Minowa (Kosuke)'s online salons, but it was more difficult than I thought when I actually started.

I learned that a fairly high level of community management skills is necessary to achieve such a form.

――I see, “self-propelled communities” are just a few examples within our company. This may be an area that is largely due to the talent's qualities. Another unusual feature is that the FanIcon participation rate for those belonging to Re:ACT is 100%! How are celebrities being persuaded?

Basically, the manager just conveys the merits of Fanicon.

However, in addition to the above, I've been able to properly communicate with the talent about how much money it takes to do anything, so I think the option Fanicon as a stable income would make me hungry even as a talent.

The fact that they come in every month, that is, “money they can read,” is huge both as a company and as a talent. Budgeting for events etc. will also be easier.

Also, as mentioned above, this is also an important indicator for knowing “the number of real fans,” so I think the manager explained that point as well.

Also, there were celebrities who had longed for having fan clubs since before.

――I see, I'm convinced. I would be happy if you continue to use Fanicon in the future and help you grow! Lastly, is there anything you want to accomplish in the next 3 to 5 years?

We want to increase the scale of our business through simplicity, expand the reach of our entertainment, and increase the enjoyment of the world!

As a background, it is said that humans will have fewer jobs to do in the future due to the development of artificial intelligence, and I think leisure time will increase even more. As I personally feel, I think spiritual wealth, for example, the presence of entertainment, will increase rather than material wealth.

If everyone feels positive every day, isn't society going to improve even a little bit? I would like to increase that kind of entertainment. I want to create entertainment that can be enjoyed not only in Japan but also by people from other countries. I believe the world will be a better place if we do that (laughs).

――That's a big ambition! I'm happy that Fanicon was able to contribute to the realization of that ambition!
Thank you so much for taking the time to do an interview today!

About FaniconIf you want to know more
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If you want to deepen interaction with fans and want to make running a fan club easier than it is now, then Fanicon is useful.
