
“My dream Every fan's dream”

Yuria Kisaki

“My dream Every fan's dream”
Yuria Kisaki

After Working as a member of an idol group, Kizaki Yuria is currently active in dramas and stages as an actress. The form of communication with fans is also changing between the idol industry and the actress industry. She started her long-cherished fan club on Fanicon last year, and how is she using it?

--I read Kizaki-san's Twitter account, and even after she became an actress, she always professed “I want to create a fan club.”

I was active as an idol from the age of 13 to 21. There were events, handshake events, and various SNS, etc., and the environment of “having fans close to us” was a common place. So as soon as you graduate, if you can't see that kind of environment even a little bit, you feel uneasy, don't you think?

――They said they were arguing that there would be no place where they could feel the presence of fans.

I also heard voices from fans comments, “I'm dying about becoming a Distant Presence (after quitting the group),” so I wanted to create my own fan club.

――So, were you able to create a fan club as soon as you started a new activity?

No, actually, that wasn't the case. “Let's make a fan club!” I was surprised, but it was really surprising to make it from scratch. There were many meetings to discuss “what kind of things to make,” so I thought there that it would take so long.


-- That was tough (tough). By the way, why did you choose Fanicon?

The First Impression I Had When I Said About the Opinions of Fanicon and Heard the Opinions was “I Can Create a Fan Club with an App Full of Features I Want!” I really felt like a savior (surprised).

――Thank you very much. By using Fanicon, have the parts Kizaki-san and the fans felt uneasy about been resolved?

Yes! Of course, my activities have changed, so it's determined to resolve the sense of distance in the sense of being able to “meet”, as it used to be, but I think people feel close to me Through live streaming and posting.

――Fanicon values a “familiar sense of distance” through the internet. Conversely, there are times when we receive comments from artists that they are “too close,” but doesn't Mr. Kizaki ever feel that way?

Fanicon doesn't “want to do this,” right? Among the various functions, can you choose your own favorite function, so I really enjoy it even in the sense of keeping a good distance. Conversely, in Fanicon, they only do what they want to do, so “is it okay to be this selfie?” That's about what I thought (thought).
*Translated by Kizaki-san, the function called “1 on 1 talk,” which allows you to talk one-on-one with fans, is turned off and operated.

――How do you think what to do within the fan club?

I like suffering, but I'm not good at thinking about things like “let's do this kind of project.” At such times, the Fanicon staff will also think about the planning part together.
The Other Day, they made a “Trivia Quiz Related to White Day,” and the Staff also chatted together during the regular chat broadcast, so it was fun (fun). “Looks like this can be done!” “I'm not sure about this.” I'm also happy that the atmosphere makes it easy to say that difficult.

――Other than others, what kind of suffering are they doing?

“Reversed Call,” which calls fans during the broadcast, is popular.

-- Wow! That's awesome!

Female fans in particular will be considered. Fans with male surnames respond quite a bit like a normal state of mind.

-- That might be objectionable (objectionable).

All the fans didn't know when the phone call would come, so they thought the broadcast but could not respond, and they were impatient and said, “I got off the bus, please call again!” There were also people who made comments like this. That kind of thing also makes me smile when I say “cute.” So far, there hasn't been much trouble.

――At first glance, the live phone seems like a risky project, but in the case of Fanicon, it's a space likes only fans, so it might be reassuring. Are there any other projects you'd like to try?

I'd like to try shopping streaming. I think the store's permission is granted. I'm also talking with the staff that I want to do bouldering. Also, I've recently started cooking for myself, so it might be fun to try streaming food!

-- Sounds like fun! By the way, how do you properly use other SNS and FanIcon?

Speaking of SNS, I'm currently on Twitter and Instagram. It's not that they've changed things to the extent of “proper use,” but these two look a bit, or rather, “how can they be useful?” There's also a part I'm worried about.

On the other hand, Fanicon is a place where can you feel free to post things like “I ate!” Without thinking about anything. There is a restaurant close to my favorite house that I often go to, and I've already posted photos of it on Fanicon many times. I think it's a story like Matakayo (feeling), and I think of it as a relaxed space, including that kind of atmosphere.

While it's so easy, it's also a place where you can first report on a big work when it's difficult, and talk about your feelings for the work in a long sentence.

――By doing that, a relationship of trust with fans has grown, hasn't it?

It's not as far away as it used to be, but I would like to position Fanicon as the place where I can be closest to the current situation. In other words, it's not at the level of “what are you doing right now,” but I would like to aim for a place where people can properly know what Yuria Kizaki is thinking and trying to do.
Maybe it's because it's been conveyed, but all the fans say, “My dream is my own dream.”

-- “My dream is the dream of all the fans” is a phrase only because there are so many good fans.

When I have a hard time, I think they shed more tears than me, and I think they are people who are easier than me when I make my dreams come true. That's free love, family, isn't it?

――I think it's a wonderful relationship. Why did it become such a fan community?

In a nutshell, I came here without making myself. At the beginning of my idol days, I might have worn cats (injured), but after that, when they get upset, they say “I'm upset,” and when something bad happens, they say “I don't like it.” I was conveying words straight for better or better.

It's a story I heard a long time ago, and I still remember it, but “fans are like me.”
I have a slightly inferior personality, such as “I won't bend down once I think to do it” (suffering), and there are a lot of people who have fallen in love with that kind of thing.

――They say they've been doing that for a long time.

Since the service changed to Fanicon, I think fans understand that supposing the method of conveying words has changed, I myself haven't changed. In that sense, I may have absolute trust in my fans. It's really like a family, and even though I think they're a little too spoiled, I feel like I'm at my favorite house in front of the fans (fans).

――It really is a family community. I would like to continue to agree with Fanicon.

Well, it would be a problem if the Fanicon were to fail (trouble).

――There are no plans to imagine for the time being, so it's fine (probably).

It is often said that “fans are an artist's treasure,” and Kizaki-san lovingly expressed about her love for fans and the relationship of trust. I really wanted Fanicon to play a part in this precious relationship.

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If you want to deepen interaction with fans and want to make running a fan club easier than it is now, then Fanicon is useful.
