
Fanicon is our very own special base


Fanicon is our very own special base

ZOC was formed in 2018 with singer-songwriter Yasuko Omori as an “accomplice.” With their novel approach and avant-garde performances, they have taken the Japanese idol scene by storm. It is often talked about on the internet due to the free speech of members with rich personalities who are not addicted to the idol framework up until now. This time, we interviewed Yasuko Omori, the producer and member of such a unique idol unit, and Karen Aizome, who is at the center of the members. Fanicon community“FC ZOC”I asked about differences in stance with other SNS and relationships with fans.

◾️ Fanicon is our very own special base

── What made you decide to open “FC ZOC” with Fanicon?

Yasuko Omori (hereafter, Omori) I like Clambon, and I joined “Club Fan” on Fanicon. So, you originally knew about Fanicon. I think there are many patterns of advertising on current SNS, whether it's X (former Twitter) or Instagram, in the form of renting a room on a prepared platform. But I thought it would be nice to be able to use Fanicon as if we had our own base. In the first place, I think artist websites used to be like that. There is a bulletin board, and when other bands post on it, they say “I'll rent this place” and then advertise it. I really liked that kind of culture, but recently it's different, isn't it?

── Certainly. In the past, each artist had their own website, and they used to communicate on the bulletin board there.

I felt that the specifications of Omori Fanicon were very similar to the culture at that time, and I liked it even when I participated as a fan. So, I thought it would be nice if I could build a base like this myself, so I set it up.

── I would be happy if you said that. By the way, do you separate usage etc. between other SNS and FanIcon?

Omori: I'm a person who often causes controversy on SNS... (bitter laugh). Especially during that kind of commotion, you can't speak on SNS, right? But I'm also a fan of various artists, so I know, but after all, the people who support me want to hear normal things, don't they? “I ate this today” or “I watched a movie like this.” But on the internet, which is in a sensitive situation, it's hard to make such statements. “What are you eating!” There are times when people say that.

── When the commotion is raging, no matter what you write, it becomes fuel...

When Omori was at its worst, I just wrote “good morning” in the morning, but “I didn't give you anything in the morning!” I was told that. At that time, I'm glad Fanicon was there.

Aizome Karen (hereafter, Aizome) I... have never been in such a big fuss (laughs). Well, it's a group... when the group is a little flustered, they say, “Wow! I've decided for myself that it's not the right time to say something like “Karen chan ♡” on SNS. Even at times like that, I think it's really nice to be able to feel free to speak up with Fanicon.

As expected, Omori is doing it right!

After indigo dyeing, I'm basically ignorant about SNS. Other than when I want to post my own photos or tell them that I definitely want them to come to the concert, I don't say that much. “I thought Karen was cute and followed her on SNS, but she was this kind of person...” because it's a bit sad to be let down by someone I don't know without permission.

── That's because all kinds of people are watching SNS.

Even with indigo dyeing, I want people who really like me to know about my laid-back everyday life. By posting such private things on Fanicon, I think it would be nice if the people who became fans felt “they tell us things we can't say on the face.”

── For example, what kind of things are being disseminated on Fanicon?

Aizome is already at a level like “I made simmered food today” or “my muscle pain is dangerous.” But it was really nice to be able to share that kind of everyday life with everyone using the group chat function.

── Do members interact with each other too?

Aizome yes! There are occasional exchanges between members, and there is also a trend where old people teach things to new people, even between fans. Overall, the atmosphere was good, and I'm thankful for that as well.

Omori: After all, when it comes to other SNS, people who are a little worried and wonder if they'll fall in love with it from now on will come and see ZOC and the members. I really appreciate that, and I feel free to like and dislike it. However, there is a sense of security since they are people who even pay money to see Fanicon.

◾️ I'm glad there is a place where I can feel free to post at any time!

── When do you post to Fanicon?

Aizome, for example, I often post on X and Instagram when there are events or live shows, but with Fanicon, I think it's okay to post when I'm alone late at night, so I post relatively casually even on my days off.

Omori Response is also nice with a light. A stamp called Pom-Pom comes back. I think consideration has also been given to people who “like them so much that they don't know how to respond.”

── By the way, are you curious about how many updates the other members have made?

Omori doesn't really care, does he? Oh, but sometimes I wonder how much MAPA (an idol produced by Yasuko Omori) and the children of the Tsubaki Throne have been updated.

Aizome me too! But basically everyone thinks they should do it at their favorite timing. Oh, but if the other members are doing their best, there are times when I feel like I have to post a little more.

◾️ Thanks to the support of the fans, the “exhibition” of my dreams has come true!

── There are various fan events at Fanicon, aren't they? How was the exhibition “ZOC MUSEUM SUPPORTED BY FANICON” held at the end of February?

Omori: This exhibition recreates the studio for “Happy Ending Extension,” where the blanket artist Makoto Egashira asked for artwork. I'm a fan of Egashira, and we were finally able to work together, so I was happy that we were able to show that view of the world not only in the MV, but directly to everyone. Also, I've always dreamed of doing exhibitions. We were able to make it happen only because Fanicon spoke to us. thanks!

── Egashira-san's art and stage costumes were really cute, and the service where the members went around the exhibition with the fans and gave direct explanations was also great.

Omori: I've always thought we've been doing activities where we sell “memories” that don't take concrete form, such as live shows and songs, and get them to accept them. However, it made me realize once again that there are things in shape, such as costumes and goods.

Surprisingly, even with indigo dyeing, we don't have any goods ourselves.

Omori oh yeah! But I thought that fans who have been supporting me for a long time might have one, so I contacted the fans by DM myself. Almost everyone has recommended men, so they only buy recommended goods, right? However, there are 3 fans who have been coming since long ago who bought all the goods as a set. It was precisely because those people cooperated that we were able to display a lot of goods in this way, and the content was substantial.

── Well, it was also a space created together with fans. Seen from a fan's point of view, it was probably the moment my dream came true.

Omori, if that's what you think, I'm happy too. We're happy with each other!

◾️ I feel like I can regain my “youth” thanks to everyone who supports me

── Previously, there was an event where you could ride a cruise ship with fans, right?

The indigo dyeing was super fresh. Did you do it 3 times last summer? They sing and eat meals together on the boat, but since only about 10 people can ride at a time, there's a very special feeling. It was kind of like a date and it was fun. There were times when I got seasick, and it was a good memory to include that as well.

── Are there any events you'd like to try in the future?

Aizen has given me a lot of really fun things, so I wonder if there's anything more? I mean.

Hey Omori, I really think so. Oh yeah, at my solo events, I have parties where I just eat sweets and sleepover parties, and I want to do that at ZOC too. At sleepover parties, they just break into the fan's room... (laughs).

Aizome looks interesting!

Omori, I think it would be a lot of fun if I could do a big trip or tour.

It would be great if everyone could go to a fun place for indigo dyeing, have a live performance, and enjoy the music.

Omori: We're not that cheerful, so we weren't able to make many memories like that when we were students. So now, maybe I'm thinking it would be nice if I could make lots of fun memories with the fans I trust. It's like I'm regaining my youth.

It's indigo dyeing. If it's with fans, even a lot of people can enjoy playing!

── It's nice to have a close sense of distance with the fans. By the way, what do you value when communicating with fans?

take good care of Omori...

Aizen is difficult when asked.

Omori: I think other people have experienced it, but there are times when I doubt even my normal friends. I've only been working in music until this year, so I sometimes feel that the only people I've met through music are my friends. However, since fans have a common language called “music,” they can hold hands. I think they have a great sense of trust.

When Aizen comes to events and live shows over and over again, the number of people you can interact with in a very frank manner naturally increases. But on the contrary, it's amazing that there are people who come until we get into that kind of relationship. Every day, I'm chewing on the fact that this relationship has been formed precisely because they have poured so much love into us. That's why it becomes an ordinary word, but I can say “don't forget to be grateful.” I'm just as grateful to those who have been here for a long time, as well as those who have come for the first time.

I think the ideal distance between Omori fans varies from person to person, and I think there is an ideal sense of distance from an artist even when viewed from a fan's point of view. I think Fanicon is content where you can choose that ideal sense of distance yourself and interact with it, so I really like that.

Even members of the same group as Aizen can change the way they use it depending on who they are. I feel like any person can find a method that suits them.

── I'm really happy that you liked it so much. Thank you so much for today!

Interview/text by Emi Uemura

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If you want to deepen interaction with fans and want to make running a fan club easier than it is now, then Fanicon is useful.
